13 Oct 2021

Top home maintenance tips: Put an end to weekend chores

Getting things done around the house always feels like a chore, especially when they add up over time. All of a sudden, you’ve thrown all those nagging tasks into the “too hard basket” and you’re stuck with an endless list of things to do. To avoid spending your weekend fixing up things across your property, keep on top of these essentials to keep you, your family and your property free from damage and harm, and your weekends free from chores.

1. When did you last check your doorbell?

Unfortunately, doorbells don’t have infinite battery power. Check to see if your doorbell has gone flat, and if it’s no longer working, be sure to replace it. Most hardware stores stock models that also allow you to plug them into mains electricity, so that even when they lose their “juice”, they’re still able to function.

2. Check your exhaust fans for mould

Over time, your kitchen exhaust fan will build up with debris and grime that needs to be eliminated before it becomes a health hazard. This includes mould spores which are harmful to humans and pets alike. If you notice black marks appearing on your ceiling, this is likely due to mould growth within your ducting system. It may be best to call in professionals who specialise in cleaning air duct systems.

3. Replace light bulbs

It might seem obvious, but replacing old incandescent bulbs with energy-efficient alternatives could save you money in the long run. You’ll need to change every bulb in your house at least once per year, depending on usage patterns.

4. Clean out your dryer vents

We’re all guilty of this. Check your dryer filter and vent to clear out any build-up of dust, fluff and dirt. leaving this unattended can cause massive consequences, like house fires and appliance damage, not to mention injury or fatalities. Keep this in check by cleaning it out as often as you can.

5. Look out for mice

Check all around your wiring for chew marks and droppings from those pesky little critters. They can cause huge damage and safety concerns, as well as health issues. If you’re dealing with a significant infestation, make sure you call in an expert.

6. Triple-check your smoke detectors

This one’s a big one. Frequently and routinely check your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors to make sure they’re working to their best possible capability. Remember that it’s also illegal to uninstall one in Australia.

7. Give your blinds some TLC

Show your outdoor blinds some attention and give them a good, old wipe down from time to time. Slidetrack Outdoor Blinds have previously put together an easy guide to clean your blinds so you can read up on exactly how to do that without causing any damage. Doing this will prolong their lifespan and keep them looking in tip-top shape, so it’s a win-win.

While these all seem like easy steps to take, there’s no doubt that sometimes, life just gets in the way. Routinely checking each of these off as time goes on ensures they don’t build up into a big pile of things to do. Keep on top of them and you’ll thank yourself later.

About Slidetrack

Slidetrack is Australia’s leading supplier of outdoor blinds for homes, patios and cafes. Improve your home or business with a name you can trust. Our outdoor blinds are available in AdelaideMelbourneSydneyBrisbanePerth and the rest of Australia. Request a free quote!

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